‘Hidden Dip’
‘Hidden Dip’ is the name given to part of the Wharfe accessible from Castley Lane and upstream from Arthington Viaduct.
This site is provided for information. People do swim at this spot, but this website in no way should be taken as proof that it is ‘safe’ to swim here. You must always make your own risk assessment, based on your own level of swimming competence and the conditions. Swim at your own risk. Always err on the side of caution, particularly if you are new to open water swimming. Educate yourself about the risks.
‘Hidden Dip’ is named after a road sign which handily indicates you are in the right spot. It is part of the Wharfe that runs alongside Castley Lane. There’s a little bit of a steep scramble down the bank to access the water.
There is a lovely wide area surrounded by trees. It also is special to me as it is both the first place I swam in the Wharfe, and the first place I swam after the first lockdown eased in 2020.
Water shoes strongly recommended as the river bed is very stony.
Getting there
Access to Hidden Dip is from Astley Lane. If coming by car you can park in a lay-by just by the bridge. Be aware that if you access the Wharfe from other places along Astley Lane you may be crossing private land without permission.
The postcode LS21 2QA will take you to a spot before Hidden Dip (if you are travelling from the A658). Basically - drive along Castley Lane until you see a ‘Hidden Dip’ road sign. There is a lay-by on the river side of the road just by a small bridge. You can park in this lay-by and access the river down the bank in a couple of places. I tend to use the path down the bank nearer to the bridge.
I recommend using the what3words app to help find exact spots.
Hidden Dip parking - https://w3w.co/oppose.stream.sparrows
This what3words address refers to a 3 metre square location. Tap the link or enter the 3 words into the free what3words app to find it.
River Swimming
Part of the charm of rivers is that they are changeable. For a swimmer this means that you must always assess the safety of entering the water. The depth and the speed of the water can increase quickly. You should avoid swimming in the Wharfe after heavy rain - this is when there is likely to be increased flow, as well as runoff from fields and often from treatment works.
Always be prepared to postpone your swim if the conditions aren’t right for you.
A brilliant resource for swimmers is the river gauge map. The nearest station to Hidden Dip is Pool Bridge. You can check the level before you travel to have an indication of what to expect. Hidden Dip can get very feisty!